From monotone to memorable: mastering brand voice
Inclusive communications by Commshelp
Inclusive thinking is the special ingredient that infuses every word we write. We use words to help businesses and people connect with each other.
We're not interested in exclusion or jargon-filled babble. We're all about creating meaningful and accessible content that resonates and sparks action.
Comms and marketing professionals have a role to play in moving the dial on inclusion.
Why inclusion matters
Consumers and employees demand more than a superficial nod to diversity: they crave authentic representation. They expect your messages to embrace the kaleidoscope of perspectives and experiences that make our world so wonderfully diverse.
When bias creeps into your communications (unconsciously or not), you risk excluding people from your messages.
Writing and editing with inclusion in mind requires an ongoing commitment. We must challenge stereotypes and call out exclusionary language when we see it.
When we think inclusively, we achieve greatness.